Sunday, June 5, 2016

Your Needs: Void Of Fascination, Infatuation Or Obsessive Compulsiveness...

Hello all and trust your past week went well.

For me, I thought the week was quite interesting for couple of reasons among several others: one mainly for the continued and heated talk on transgender bills around the country and the other the passing of a legend.
I am tempted to think that stakeholders in the transgender "drama" really do not quite know what they want not to talk of what they need. In my opinion, nature always has the answer. Whether via registration at birth or credible "biological" discovery in later years, nature could not and should never be blamed. It remains what it is. I have a grouse though with those who just decide on their own that they have to alter nature. Do they know what they want or need?
And as if in a contrast... the passing of Mohamed Ali is, to my mind, a case of the man who seemed to have achieved destiny.

That leads me to today's topic: KNOWING WHAT YOU NEED.

Few years ago, one of my children was fond of getting attracted to anything or anyone that fascinated her. She would listen to the radio and the sweet voice of the broadcasters and the music and stories and she would want to be a “radio” with sweet sounds. A while after, she would observe the stylish and respected work of the traffic cops: how the lady police officer would order massive trucks to stop and let smaller vehicles go by at the wave of her command. She was so fascinated that she really wanted to be a police officer. That fascination wore off couple of years down the road when she began to feel the love and care of her new kindergarten “auntie” [as the children’s teachers were called then]. This went on several weeks till one nice afternoon she returned home from school and her feelings found yet another expression. She ran up to me and said “Daddy, I really like Auntie L and will like to be a teacher when I grow up.” Knowing that that sounded very much like another phase of her usual fancies, I nonetheless commended her and told her mommy and I would be there for her should that be her life goal.
Of course today, after high school, college and graduate school, she is anything but a radio, a police officer or a teacher. She seemed to have found her destiny and is happily pursuing it with passion and vigor.

The problem remains that many kids just do not know exactly what they want to be. Life to them is about fantasy and control. And don’t many of us, like kids, fail to know what we really want out of life? We see the Jones’ doing one thing and we want to do the same. Then the Thomas’ came along and doing another and we want to follow the trend. We’re easily carried about and away by what others are doing.

One day, we see someone who is running and getting some publicity and we want to be a runner. Another day is a Hollywood star performing some stunt and there you go, we want to be and do the same. Like the children, we seem not to know why we are here on Earth or what we want from it.

Have a great rest of the week ahead.


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