Sunday, June 12, 2016

Do You Know What You Need To Get To Where You Need To?

Hello guys and trust you had a nice enough week - in spite of this weekend's Orlando "mindless" shooting spree.

Talking about shootings and the frequency, you cannot avoid talking also about the amount of guns on the streets and the need for some form of universal control. Having been in desperate situations where you have to deliberately protect your family, I am in the camp of those that support gun ownership - at the very least for personal protection/scaring would-be assailants.
I have problems though when such weapons turn out to be an AR15 semi-automatic rifles commonly used for mass shootings and placed in the hands of unstable minds.
I sure agree with the argument that there have been more auto accidents than gun violence and that in spite of the number of the accidents, no one ever advocated that governments should ban car-driving. What I don't get though is the fact that the same argument that will ordinarily subscribe to several stringent driving tests in order to minimize road and highway casualties will oppose similar stringency when it comes to gun possession.
You agree that there should be strict laws, demanding would-be drivers to take series of tests before being allowed to drive their cars down our streets, supposedly to minimize incidence of auto crashes and deaths, but do not feel it necessary that gun possession and particularly semi-automatic rifles should be controlled in order to minimize the mass shootings that has become more like popularity contest? Could it be that we are waiting till it gets to us: when we are directly impacted or someone close and dear enough to us is impacted before shouting "foul" and asking for controls? Just some thoughts...

In any case, this week, I am continuing discussions from my book "YOU CAN Make A Determined Difference - In An Environment Of Competitiveness" and excerpting from the topic of knowing what you need to make the difference:

While at my first job, I learned experientially that whatever schooling and paper qualification a worker might have, without knowing the principles of making a determined difference, s/he was bound to “mark time” on the job, at best hoping to make defined progress – in keeping with inflation or not too far from it.

What an irony that many people today flounder for many years of their precious life, wanting to be who and what they do not know. It is a shame, in my thinking, to set oneself on the assembly line of life, to be moved only as others move, as it were, by the same measured force of progress. Worse still is the fact that family, friends and acquaintances continue to prod many, cheering them along the path they were not sure would take them to fulfillment not to talk of making any difference. It is my prayer that you, the reader, will discover your life’s destiny soon enough if you have not already done so, in order to help you find out what you NEED to realize it.

Political scientist, diplomat and now elder statesman Henry Kissinger has been severally quoted as saying:
“If you don't know where you are going, every road will get you nowhere.”

How so true! Know what you need and the path to getting it!

Have a great week ahead of you. Cheers.

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