Sunday, May 8, 2016

YOU CAN Make A Determined Difference... Yes YOU CAN!

Happy Sunday all and to the Mothers in our lives... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to you.
Thanks for staying faithful to your calling and for your loving care. You certainly must know that you make that determined difference!

During the week just ended, I had the rare honor of having Canton Coop Bank, 671 Washington Street, Canton graciously promoting the book "YOU CAN Make A Determined Difference..." The Bank is keeping the book and its CD on display for two weeks - till Monday, May 16th at their Banking Hall, and will be rounding it off with a raffle draw.
As you should expect, I am not taking this kind gesture for granted. I sincerely appreciate the Management's believe in what the book is all about and for daring to promote it.

Do me a favor - if you live in the area, stop by the Bank and let them know that you appreciate the good work that they doing to support the community and/or feel free to visit them on the web: and leave a word or two of appreciation. Thanks.

For today's blog, I am continuing the discussion of excerpts from the book. Please contribute to the discussion. Post your comment and observation. Be heard!


Solomon B.

The principles applied by the religious worthies were not religiously exclusive. In our modern world, there have been numerous outstanding men and women that made a DETERMINED difference as they changed their communities and the world at large:

Steve Jobs [1955 - 2011] was one of them. From educational obscurity, he went ahead to found what was to transform the computer age in what became Apple Computers. That was nothing short of making a DETERMINED difference.

South Africa's Nelson Mandela [1918 to-date] spent 20 years in jail only to come out and become the President of his country. By standing against apartheid, the nation's rulers could not resist the determination of this larger-than-life man to see freedom and human dignity evolve!

Oprah Winfrey [1954 to-date], America's talk show host, is supposedly the richest and the most influential woman in the U.S. She is a passionate believer in self-improvement and works hard to make a DETERMINED difference.

Russia's Mikhail Gorbachev [1931 to-date], against all odds and threats to his life, had the courage and strength of character to confront age-old Soviet Communism and to move the Union to democracy and respect for human rights. That was a testimony to the power of making a DETERMINED difference.

Erstwhile British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher [1925 - 2013], and the only woman that ruled Britain for over a decade, changed the landscape of British politics for good. She emphasized individual responsibility to leadership and was called the “Iron Lady” of Britain by her strong will and determination to make the difference.

Here at home, the name Barak Obama [1961 to-date] will go down the world's history as the first black man to become America's two-time President. By defying racial and class barriers that has kept many black people away from such leadership role, Mr. Obama steadily but surely made significant and DETERMINED difference.

1 comment:

  1. So very true! I am determined to make a difference in my world!
