Sunday, April 24, 2016

YOU CAN Make A Determined Difference...


It is increasingly becoming more and more of a challenge to find exemplary and sustainable leadership, thanks to today’s “get to the top by whatever means” mindset. In today’s market place it is an easy, rather common parlance, to suppose that the end justifies the means – whatever that means to realize achievement may be.

It used to be that men and women were content to hear the traditional “rags to riches” stories and were motivated to emulate those character TRAITS that enabled the story-teller succeed. That seems to be in the past. We seem to now be in the era of “get it while it lasts” and “the patient dog ends up getting the leanest bone.”
We have moved from the doctrine of the diligent to the company of “the smartest gets it all” thereby rendering the reward for excellence and the essence of the Race To The Top policy meaningless.
Traditional values with the emphasis on doing it right have been spurned and corner-cutting embraced.

Worse still is the fact that in the face of today’s multifaceted paths and pulls, it takes extra-ordinary efforts to focus, discover and proceed in the right direction. It takes more than mere attention to sieve today’s fast-paced, high-tech realities from look-alikes. It takes keenness and without any doubt, it takes unrelenting desire and deliberate choice to make a “determined” difference.

Introducing the book: YOU CAN Make A Determined Difference... at book signing

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Hi all... look out!

Starting this Sunday - April 24th, 2016 and on Sundays following, I will be sharing blogs - principally extracted from my latest book: YOU CAN Make A Determined Difference ... In An Environment of Competitiveness.

I will also be posting developments on the Business Prayer Breakfasts held monthly and other matters that I consider might be of interest to my friends and reading public.

Look out!