Monday, March 10, 2014

A maiden post

I start this post with a few questions you might have asked yourself in the past. 

1. Where have I missed my blessings?

2. Why am I not making progress:

  • In my finances?
  • In my business or employment?
  • In my health?
  • In my relationship (marriage, friendships, ETC?)
  • In my education (or level of awareness?
3. Is there any chance that God could be in this?

4. What must I do to break the loop?

In the next few weeks, I plan on touching upon each of these topics as a way to share some of God's words with you in hopes that it will bless and encourage you just as I have been blessed and encouraged. 

Before I delve into this, I'd like to first introduce myself. 

Most people who know me refer to me as Pastor Solomon.

I am happily married to my BEAUTIFUL wife Patricia of 39-years. 

Together, we have 6 children by birth, 3 additional by law and 7-grand children. 

I love to travel and love to explore new things. God is ALWAYS first and foremost the center of my life and I feel truly blessed each day to be chosen as his servant. 

Join me on my journey... as I share the good word!
